John Jacob

John Jacob
Psychologist and Founder,
Jacob Research Institute



Dr. John Jacob is a Personality Research Psychologist and Founder of the Jacob Research Institute. He’s the host of the new Rd 2 Romance Relationship Program which airs on the Dare 2 Dream Cable Network. Dr. Jacob holds a PhD in Psychology and is a graduate of Loma Linda University, where he also completed degrees in Counseling and Theology. Dr. Jacob conducts research on personality differences. His new scientific studies include the differences between the social and relational personality and how they affect choices in life. He recently concluded 5 years of research on how a partner’s personality unknowingly affects the relationship. His research includes, but is not limited to, studies in neuroscience, genetics, hormones and behavior. He conducts Family Life seminars, workshops and lectures across the U.S. and overseas, where he shares that personality difference and “NOT” spirituality or temperament, is often the main cause of marital unhappiness. His research has led to the first book on the topic and is titled, XY Theory®: How Personality Can Sabotage Dating and Jeopardize Your Marriage. He has also developed the XY Personality Test™ that measures relationship personality and predicts problems in a relationship or marriage long before they occur.

Dr. Jacob is a Certified Relationship Coach. Using the XY Relationship Management System, Dr. Jacob takes his clients through a 12-step relationship program that produces results. Coaching includes: Utilizing the XY Match Analysis™ that explains your relationship strengths and growth needs; learning about major research findings on how personality, genetics, and hormones play a role in the relationship; exercises for improving communication, intimacy, learning how to adapt, and effectively resolve conflict.